1331 Highland Ave, Cheshire Connecticut 06410
In the fall of 2019, Rock renovated our kitchen, removing a wall separating our original kitchen from the dining room and opening up the space. The result is something that we have been delighted with for the past three years. And, yes, having a new, beautiful kitchen with near-commercial KitchenAid cooktop and dual ovens came in handy during the pandemic when all three of our children (two in college, one in high school at the time) were all home, and we were cooking all the time. (Holiday feasts are easy, too!) Honest, to this day, I truly enjoy using and cooking in this space. In addition to it being just beautiful, it's every bit as functional.\nWe liked the kitchen outcome so much, we invited Rock back to do more work earlier this fall, 2022. We re-located our laundry from a 1st floor mud room to the 2nd floor so we wouldn't have to carry laundry up and down stairs. This required blowing out a wall and altering three closets in a bathroom, hall, and bedroom all abutting one another. In addition, Rock is renovating two full and one half bathroom and the mud room. Oh, and they replaced all three entry doors. So far, one bathroom and the doors are complete and everything looks gorgeous.\nBoth Ken and Brian Rock are easy to work with and have good design ideas. But we've been even more impressed with the guys that do the heavy lifting. They are all personable and considerate. They show up on time and work a hard, full day. Each day you can see considerable progress. The dry wall guys, electricians, tilers, plumbers and painters all show the same care and master skill set. When it all comes together, it's well worth the disruption to our normal every day routine.\nI highly recommend Rock to anybody considering major home improvements and renovations. I even offered to Ken and Brian that they're welcome to show off what they've done in our home to anybody who'd like to see for themselves the high quality work they do.