Being very new to this level of self care, Amanda has been amazing guiding me through both in treatments and techniques in a kind and compassionate way.
She's well rounded and knowledgeable enough to help anyone level up their self care and help turn their page to start a new chapter (or perhaps book! ) wherever they are at in life.
January 2024
Amanda completely transformed my crown and channeled my inner dragon that was wanting to be unleashed!
So I've always been the kind of person that had the same haircut since childhood, and never did any colors or anything exciting. She helped me feel comfortable making transitions into some bold changes with cuts, and transformed my life with radically vibrant colors! My last session, a whirlwind of energy was channeled and harnessed, bringing me into the metamorphosis I desired.
November 2023
This is a review within a story. Recently my teenage daughter had an impulse moment and decided to dye her hair pink (like bright magenta) and cut bangs. Yes. She did that. Her father happens to be a hairdresser however he was out of the country and unable to fix her hair. I was panicked. I called upon my girl Amanda to save the day and save it she did! What she did was nothing short of a miracle and maybe a little bit of sorcery and touch of magic. Not only was she able to fix my daughter’s self-inflicted botched bangs (she blended the bangs and gave her a FABULOUS cut). She actually restored her hair to a gorgeous rich chestnut, very close to her natural color. NOT... read full review
Being very new to this level of self care, Amanda has been amazing guiding me through both in treatments and techniques in a kind and compassionate way. She's well rounded and knowledgeable enough to help anyone level up their self care and help turn their page to start a new chapter (or perhaps book! ) wherever they are at in life.
Amanda completely transformed my crown and channeled my inner dragon that was wanting to be unleashed! So I've always been the kind of person that had the same haircut since childhood, and never did any colors or anything exciting. She helped me feel comfortable making transitions into some bold changes with cuts, and transformed my life with radically vibrant colors! My last session, a whirlwind of energy was channeled and harnessed, bringing me into the metamorphosis I desired.
This is a review within a story. Recently my teenage daughter had an impulse moment and decided to dye her hair pink (like bright magenta) and cut bangs. Yes. She did that. Her father happens to be a hairdresser however he was out of the country and unable to fix her hair. I was panicked. I called upon my girl Amanda to save the day and save it she did! What she did was nothing short of a miracle and maybe a little bit of sorcery and touch of magic. Not only was she able to fix my daughter’s self-inflicted botched bangs (she blended the bangs and gave her a FABULOUS cut). She actually restored her hair to a gorgeous rich chestnut, very close to her natural color. NOT... read full review