Jenna has been grooming our 25 lb doodle for over three years. She is pleasant and very good at her work. At first Finn did not like going there but he has gotten used to it. Primarily because she is so gentle with him.
February 2024
Jena is a incredible hard working young woman. I was one of her early on clients. I bring my pups to her late afternoon and I'm always greeted with a smile. I hope she never leaves my pups adore her & never ever an issue.
February 2024
Highly recommend this place! The owner, Jenna, is absolutely amazing with dogs and so is her helper Cara. My dog has a messed up knee (he's a pom) and I had tried a few groomers before her and their crates didn't have a flat bottom, so his little feet/legs kept falling thru essentially hurting his leg even more to where he'd come back home and be limping for a day or 2. I explained this to Jenna and not only was she super knowledgeable about his issue but she showed me her work area and the crates she has, have a FLAT bottom! I was super stoked bc right off the bat I wanted her to groom him and that just made my mind up! His little legs can't fall... read full review
Jenna has been grooming our 25 lb doodle for over three years. She is pleasant and very good at her work. At first Finn did not like going there but he has gotten used to it. Primarily because she is so gentle with him.
Jena is a incredible hard working young woman. I was one of her early on clients. I bring my pups to her late afternoon and I'm always greeted with a smile. I hope she never leaves my pups adore her & never ever an issue.
Highly recommend this place! The owner, Jenna, is absolutely amazing with dogs and so is her helper Cara. My dog has a messed up knee (he's a pom) and I had tried a few groomers before her and their crates didn't have a flat bottom, so his little feet/legs kept falling thru essentially hurting his leg even more to where he'd come back home and be limping for a day or 2. I explained this to Jenna and not only was she super knowledgeable about his issue but she showed me her work area and the crates she has, have a FLAT bottom! I was super stoked bc right off the bat I wanted her to groom him and that just made my mind up! His little legs can't fall... read full review