Love Judy! I’ve been going to her for 7 years now. Judy is very professional and makes you feel welcomed every time you step into her studio! I always recommend her botox services if you’re suffering from migraines or jaw clenching. She is a wonderful person and you can tell she cares. Thank you Judy!
October 2024
I had Erika for my first Diamond Glow facial! She was so kind, she made me feel incredibly comfortable and my face after she was done was glowing like crazy!! I highly Recommend Erika and the Glow facial for anyone!
August 2024
I had a great experience met with both Erica and Michelle. The ladies were great to work with. I highly recommend them for anybody looking for the services and I will definitely be going back.
Love Judy! I’ve been going to her for 7 years now. Judy is very professional and makes you feel welcomed every time you step into her studio! I always recommend her botox services if you’re suffering from migraines or jaw clenching. She is a wonderful person and you can tell she cares. Thank you Judy!
I had Erika for my first Diamond Glow facial! She was so kind, she made me feel incredibly comfortable and my face after she was done was glowing like crazy!! I highly Recommend Erika and the Glow facial for anyone!
I had a great experience met with both Erica and Michelle. The ladies were great to work with. I highly recommend them for anybody looking for the services and I will definitely be going back.