From Academy School of Driving
When you attend the Academy School of Driving, you'll notice several things are different. The respect you receive from instructors and other students is automatic. There are no stupid questions. You will be expected to treat others in the same manner. Also, the atmosphere is low-key. Nobody will yell at you for making inexperienced maneuvers (while behind the wheel). If safety is involved, your coach will correct the situation and use it as a "teaching moment". As a graduate of the Academy School of Driving, you'll take your place among other drivers on the public highways and back roads. Some of them will have been driving for decades while others are barely hours ahead of you. The main thing to remember is to DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE.
The Academy School of Driving provides a unique learning environment for aspiring drivers. Instructors treat students with respect, fostering an atmosphere of open communication where no question is considered "stupid." The coaching style is low-key, with a focus on safety and using mistakes as "teaching moments" rather than yelling or criticism. Graduates of the Academy School of Driving join the ranks of experienced and novice drivers on the roads, all united by the shared goal of responsible vehicle operation. While some instructors may have a more hands-on approach than others, the overall experience is described as positive, with staff going the extra mile to accommodate scheduling conflicts and provide personalized feedback. Across multiple reviews, the Academy School of Driving is praised for its effective teaching methods, comfortable testing environment, and instructors who excel at putting students at ease and helping them become confident, capable drivers.