From NeuroBalance Physical Therapy
Concussion, Vertigo, Vestibular Migraine, Dizziness, Balance, and Neurological Rehabilitation experts for 30+ years! Board Certified Neurological and Vestibular Specialist Physical Therapists provide the highest level of expertise in the Denver Area. Our therapists continually advance the treatment of brain and vestibular disorders through focused clinical care, research, and teaching nationally as invited speakers at conferences. We provide specialized comprehensive therapy for concussion to The Denver Broncos as the concussion therapists for the team, NHL athletes in the US and Canada, our local Olympic and student athletes, as well as those in our community with head injuries. Vertigo and balance therapy is our niche for three decades.
NeuroBalance Physical Therapy is a renowned center specializing in the treatment of concussion, vertigo, vestibular migraine, dizziness, balance, and neurological rehabilitation for over 30 years. Their board-certified neurological and vestibular specialist physical therapists provide the highest level of expertise in the Denver area, continuously advancing the treatment of brain and vestibular disorders through focused clinical care, research, and national speaking engagements. The therapists offer specialized comprehensive therapy for concussion, serving professional athletes, including the Denver Broncos, NHL players, and local Olympic and student athletes, as well as community members with head injuries. Vertigo and balance therapy have been their niche for three decades. Clients praise the personable and professional care, highlighting the therapists' ability to listen, understand their experiences, and modify treatments accordingly. NeuroBalance Physical Therapy also accepts Medicare, making their exceptional services accessible to a wider community.