Judy does an excellent job with our two pups (mini golden doodle and Lhasa also mix). She’s super friendly as well! Found her after taking our dogs to Kriser’s right up the street for a couple years before, but their prices got completely out of control, while Bailey’s per spaw is definitely fair.
December 2018
Judy has been my dogs’ groomer for years, always does a fantastic job with the boys. She knows how to properly groom all types of cats and dogs. Would never let anyone else care for my pets. Highly recommend her for great grooming and personable service.
Judy does an excellent job with our two pups (mini golden doodle and Lhasa also mix). She’s super friendly as well! Found her after taking our dogs to Kriser’s right up the street for a couple years before, but their prices got completely out of control, while Bailey’s per spaw is definitely fair.
Judy has been my dogs’ groomer for years, always does a fantastic job with the boys. She knows how to properly groom all types of cats and dogs. Would never let anyone else care for my pets. Highly recommend her for great grooming and personable service.