From Restore and Integrate Physical Therapy
We are committed to treating not only the presenting symptom and taking away the pain, but also evaluating and treating the root cause of the pain and/or the secondary effect of your symptom for a complete resolution and to prevent reoccurrence. It is a holistic approach of analyzing the whole interconnected human system’s kinetic chain. R&I PT does not offer “cookie-cutter” treatments that fits patients in a box. Each individual has their unique feature to their symptom that is constructed through their environment, lifestyles, traumas, cultures etc. We consider these aspects and personalize the treatments for an optimal result. He works with a patient as a team to attain each individual’s goals.
Restore and Integrate Physical Therapy (R&I PT) offers a unique approach to physical therapy. They focus on treating not only the immediate pain but also identifying and addressing the root cause of the issue. R&I PT believes in a holistic approach, analyzing the entire body's interconnected system to create personalized treatment plans. They recognize that each patient has unique needs based on their environment, lifestyle, and past experiences. Patients praise the therapist's dedication, skill, and personalized care. They highlight the therapist's ability to help with complex cases and achieve significant improvements in their quality of life. Many patients report that R&I PT has been more successful than other treatments they have tried.