Please take cash to give for the tip. they will not let you pay tip on the card. The ATM machine that they have inside will show you that its charging you $2.50 but when you see your statement it will have 4 charges of $2.50 non bank account atm inquiry fee. $2.50 transaction fee than on top of that another $2.50 along with your $20 bill so you end up paying this ATM machine $10 to pull out a $10 bill . it will not show you there but at home when you see your transaction you will see. so be careful.
July 2023
I have been going here for any years. While I have my favorite techs EVERYONE there is friendly. I have always liked results and service. This is a great business!Services: Acrylic nails
December 2022
I drive up from Oceanside to use Best City Nails II. (Not to be confused with Best City Nails 1) They are affordable and thorough. They remember your name and every technician is trained to their high expectations. Impeccably clean and they take great care to ensure all equipment is sanitized. You will not be didsapoint
Please take cash to give for the tip. they will not let you pay tip on the card. The ATM machine that they have inside will show you that its charging you $2.50 but when you see your statement it will have 4 charges of $2.50 non bank account atm inquiry fee. $2.50 transaction fee than on top of that another $2.50 along with your $20 bill so you end up paying this ATM machine $10 to pull out a $10 bill . it will not show you there but at home when you see your transaction you will see. so be careful.
I have been going here for any years. While I have my favorite techs EVERYONE there is friendly. I have always liked results and service. This is a great business!Services: Acrylic nails
I drive up from Oceanside to use Best City Nails II. (Not to be confused with Best City Nails 1) They are affordable and thorough. They remember your name and every technician is trained to their high expectations. Impeccably clean and they take great care to ensure all equipment is sanitized. You will not be didsapoint