An excellent studio on the Westside of Santa Cruz offering a wide array of fitness and martia arts classes.
January 2015
i have been attending the cardio-kickboxing classes for 2.5 years, and i feel better than ever. seriously, i am almost 40, and i feel better than i did when i was in my 20s. i am even getting definition in my abs! there are two different aerobic kicboxing teachers. claire teaches on tuesdays and saturdays, and angela teaches on thursdays and sundays. they are both really different, and it is nice to have the variety during the week. claire's main style involves lots of leaping around to high energy music. in her classes, i get in a great cardio workout, and i always walk out feeling great, full of endorphins! angela leaps around a lot less, but her interesting kick/punch... read full review
An excellent studio on the Westside of Santa Cruz offering a wide array of fitness and martia arts classes.
i have been attending the cardio-kickboxing classes for 2.5 years, and i feel better than ever. seriously, i am almost 40, and i feel better than i did when i was in my 20s. i am even getting definition in my abs! there are two different aerobic kicboxing teachers. claire teaches on tuesdays and saturdays, and angela teaches on thursdays and sundays. they are both really different, and it is nice to have the variety during the week. claire's main style involves lots of leaping around to high energy music. in her classes, i get in a great cardio workout, and i always walk out feeling great, full of endorphins! angela leaps around a lot less, but her interesting kick/punch... read full review