This poor business has to put up with some of the worst conditions you could possibly imagine. They try to keep people off the property while they are open but there is always going to be someone that is high as giraffe balls and with an entitled issues that would make most royalty blush. After hours it's on and Poppin. Between the drugs use, property theft, violent altercations, littering and noise complaints I could only imagine Skid Row would be proud
January 2021
Same experience as John H... No none sense old school wonder guy. I described what I needed, he gave me a price and a time. He delivered on schedule for the price he quoted me. Simple rule for success - say what you're going to do and do it.
This poor business has to put up with some of the worst conditions you could possibly imagine. They try to keep people off the property while they are open but there is always going to be someone that is high as giraffe balls and with an entitled issues that would make most royalty blush. After hours it's on and Poppin. Between the drugs use, property theft, violent altercations, littering and noise complaints I could only imagine Skid Row would be proud
Same experience as John H... No none sense old school wonder guy. I described what I needed, he gave me a price and a time. He delivered on schedule for the price he quoted me. Simple rule for success - say what you're going to do and do it.