I had called this morning for a battery charge. Within, around 20 minutes, Larry arrived and hooked on to the car battery a small sized charger that did what it was supposed to do. He told me what I needed to do and I followed that. My insurance policy paid for the cost. Thank you ACT!
August 2023
Auto Cruz Towing was great. They made themselves available to my scheduled needs. Unfortunately my mechanic fell through for me and the Towing never happened. But Auto Cruz was more than available to tow me when I was ready. I give Auto Cruz five stars.
January 2023
love this guys, responed to my call immediately, was able to get to me within 30 minutes, with a very fair price and a great attitude. helpful and reassuring.. during a stressful time. I have all the confidence in them. They will be the only tow I ever call in the future!!
I had called this morning for a battery charge. Within, around 20 minutes, Larry arrived and hooked on to the car battery a small sized charger that did what it was supposed to do. He told me what I needed to do and I followed that. My insurance policy paid for the cost. Thank you ACT!
Auto Cruz Towing was great. They made themselves available to my scheduled needs. Unfortunately my mechanic fell through for me and the Towing never happened. But Auto Cruz was more than available to tow me when I was ready. I give Auto Cruz five stars.
love this guys, responed to my call immediately, was able to get to me within 30 minutes, with a very fair price and a great attitude. helpful and reassuring.. during a stressful time. I have all the confidence in them. They will be the only tow I ever call in the future!!