No response from the association. Let vm and made number of calls
January 2021
The best downtown in America; period, and all the other ones cannot over-overwhelm this one. I never stayed in San Jose, so always was excited when there is a plan to hop inside this area. You will get the best gastropubs here, and some cool disco clubs. No event, season or topical, is celebrated in small scale here, so this place is hip and happening throughout the year. People who brag about LA or NY city centres, they are confusing between the fathom and fun for the heart of a city.
I love ❤ downtown San Jose
No response from the association. Let vm and made number of calls
The best downtown in America; period, and all the other ones cannot over-overwhelm this one. I never stayed in San Jose, so always was excited when there is a plan to hop inside this area. You will get the best gastropubs here, and some cool disco clubs. No event, season or topical, is celebrated in small scale here, so this place is hip and happening throughout the year. People who brag about LA or NY city centres, they are confusing between the fathom and fun for the heart of a city.