One of my panels have been out since the end of July. I couldn't find someone that would drive out to my Desert home to repair it until. I called Action Solar. They came out four days later and fixed my panel. Konstantinos Vatolin was the name of the representative that came out. He was very nice and stood out in 103° temperature and didn't complain once. I bought my system from Titan Solar and they went out of business. Now whenever I need help, I will call Action Solar.
March 2024
We called Action Air for a quote on getting solar panels. Mike Barnett came out and we were so impressed with him, that we are having him come back and quote replacing our HVAC also. We have had trouble in the past with other contractors but were VERY impressed with Mike Barnett and Action Air. We would definitely recommend this company.
August 2023
Clay and Justin and a third Action Solar installer did a clean and thorough job making the initial installation a success.At this stage I am very happy with a job well done.The next stage is the city inspection, with Action Solar on hand to ensure the success of a final approval before awaiting for SDGE to tie us into their grid.Service: Roof installation
One of my panels have been out since the end of July. I couldn't find someone that would drive out to my Desert home to repair it until. I called Action Solar. They came out four days later and fixed my panel. Konstantinos Vatolin was the name of the representative that came out. He was very nice and stood out in 103° temperature and didn't complain once. I bought my system from Titan Solar and they went out of business. Now whenever I need help, I will call Action Solar.
We called Action Air for a quote on getting solar panels. Mike Barnett came out and we were so impressed with him, that we are having him come back and quote replacing our HVAC also. We have had trouble in the past with other contractors but were VERY impressed with Mike Barnett and Action Air. We would definitely recommend this company.
Clay and Justin and a third Action Solar installer did a clean and thorough job making the initial installation a success.At this stage I am very happy with a job well done.The next stage is the city inspection, with Action Solar on hand to ensure the success of a final approval before awaiting for SDGE to tie us into their grid.Service: Roof installation