CoolStyle Productions
$$ • Photographers , Video/Film ProductionOpen 24
2977 Fulton Ave, Sacramento, CA95821
(916) 868-2258
Reviews for CoolStyle Productions
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Post production photo retouch
1 hour
$35 / per each picture
Fashion/Modeling BASIC package.
Duration varies
Outdoor Photography
Duration varies
$85/ hour *
in Studio Photosession
Duration varies
$75/hour *
I had the pleasure of working with Igor very closely on the creation of a music video. Whereas initially I thought that I was getting only an excellent camera man, I quickly realized that I was getting a talented specialist with skills in everything from composition to direction, with taste and people skills to boot. He ended up directing the video, and the result was outstanding -- the video received much praise from people in the industry noting the great design and camera work. We also spent a lot of time in post-production and that's where I came to appreciate Igor's strive for perfection, working into the wee hour of the night to get the editing just right.... read full review