Do not use this Florist! Orders on For You flowers and picked a beautiful bouquet of pink roses. My friend received a small bouquet of field flowers with one chrysanthemum. I was so embarrassed since my friend just found out that she has breast cancer. Talk about a faux-au- pau. Chrysanthemums are given at funerals!!!. There wasn't even one rose in the bouquet and your place is called The House of Roses! If that isn't a travesty. the way I look at it you are stealing! The bouquet you made and sent wasn't even worth $15 and I paid $71! shame on you! If all these recent reviews are true and not friends or relatives then you have turned to crime by stealing... read full review
June 2015
the owner is a completely unprofessional, rude, unwilling to listen, and frankly has no right talking to people the way she does. You cant run a business talking to anyone the way that she does. I personally hope she finds her happy place & stays there... read full review
February 2015
First of all Happy Valentine's Day.. I would like to say thank you for being so kind to deliver when other flourish joints did not want too and closing early. But this flourish team sure is dependable. I'm not going to any other flower shop but them... Thank you again for everything I highly recommend calling them cuhz they would not let you down
Do not use this Florist! Orders on For You flowers and picked a beautiful bouquet of pink roses. My friend received a small bouquet of field flowers with one chrysanthemum. I was so embarrassed since my friend just found out that she has breast cancer. Talk about a faux-au- pau. Chrysanthemums are given at funerals!!!. There wasn't even one rose in the bouquet and your place is called The House of Roses! If that isn't a travesty. the way I look at it you are stealing! The bouquet you made and sent wasn't even worth $15 and I paid $71! shame on you! If all these recent reviews are true and not friends or relatives then you have turned to crime by stealing... read full review
the owner is a completely unprofessional, rude, unwilling to listen, and frankly has no right talking to people the way she does. You cant run a business talking to anyone the way that she does. I personally hope she finds her happy place & stays there... read full review
First of all Happy Valentine's Day.. I would like to say thank you for being so kind to deliver when other flourish joints did not want too and closing early. But this flourish team sure is dependable. I'm not going to any other flower shop but them... Thank you again for everything I highly recommend calling them cuhz they would not let you down