Professional electroacupuncture/chiropractic clinic. The doctors are nice, attentive, knowledgeable, and helpful. Efficient service. Medical insurance helps a lot. The waiting room is a bit small, but usually not many people are waiting in there at a time.
June 2024
I've been visiting this practice for the last year now, and the service here is exceptional. There are two doctors at this practice, and both are professional and knowledgeable. I've been going for my TMJ pain and tension in my neck, and so far it's been more manageable. I've also noticed other improvements and changes as my body adjusts to the acupuncture treatments, but as things come up Dr. Paul addresses them and helps the pain become more manageable. Having the ability to go to one place for chiropractic and acupuncture wasn't something I had thought about or sought out, but it has definitely been convenient and nice in trying to manage the... read full review
June 2024
I discovered Radix when I moved to Irvine in 2008 while I was dealing with sciatica. They were the only doctors to provide instant relief for me. I recommend them to everyone searching for an acupuncturist. Both brothers listen and provide excellent care.
Professional electroacupuncture/chiropractic clinic. The doctors are nice, attentive, knowledgeable, and helpful. Efficient service. Medical insurance helps a lot. The waiting room is a bit small, but usually not many people are waiting in there at a time.
I've been visiting this practice for the last year now, and the service here is exceptional. There are two doctors at this practice, and both are professional and knowledgeable. I've been going for my TMJ pain and tension in my neck, and so far it's been more manageable. I've also noticed other improvements and changes as my body adjusts to the acupuncture treatments, but as things come up Dr. Paul addresses them and helps the pain become more manageable. Having the ability to go to one place for chiropractic and acupuncture wasn't something I had thought about or sought out, but it has definitely been convenient and nice in trying to manage the... read full review
I discovered Radix when I moved to Irvine in 2008 while I was dealing with sciatica. They were the only doctors to provide instant relief for me. I recommend them to everyone searching for an acupuncturist. Both brothers listen and provide excellent care.