Multiple offices and services as well as nearby apart of a 5 level parking structure, but 7 levels in all as the offices are on the top floors. They have an on-sight attendant at the parking entrance, food services and pharmacy. The flat rate for parking seems to vary, you can manage street parking depending on the time of day, however it's absolutely worth it to have a secure spot and easier access if coming in for an appointment or seeking services at CMP. Follow the floor and suite notes for the elevator, mask on/recommended once inside and mandatory for in-office visiting. Located between Venice and Washington Blvd off Hughes Avenue with traffic lights at both... read full review
March 2019
My mom's doctor office is in this building.. recently remodeled..some areas still.. looks nice but need more seating in lobby and in front of building..lots of patients get picked up by Medical van and or..rides.. would be nice .. especially for elderly/disabled or just if someone needs to sit for a bit..
Multiple offices and services as well as nearby apart of a 5 level parking structure, but 7 levels in all as the offices are on the top floors. They have an on-sight attendant at the parking entrance, food services and pharmacy. The flat rate for parking seems to vary, you can manage street parking depending on the time of day, however it's absolutely worth it to have a secure spot and easier access if coming in for an appointment or seeking services at CMP. Follow the floor and suite notes for the elevator, mask on/recommended once inside and mandatory for in-office visiting. Located between Venice and Washington Blvd off Hughes Avenue with traffic lights at both... read full review
My mom's doctor office is in this building.. recently remodeled..some areas still.. looks nice but need more seating in lobby and in front of building..lots of patients get picked up by Medical van and or..rides.. would be nice .. especially for elderly/disabled or just if someone needs to sit for a bit..