If you are looking for a legitimate massage this is not it!!!! They are more focus on tips and applying hand finishes as opposed to giving a decent legitimate professional massage. You get what you pay for when trying to cut corners on the actual treatment of your body. These types of massage facilities should just be called brothels. Even one is giving too much credit for such an institute that thrives on other types of fulfillmentsvery very very disappointing
June 2024
Wow! Unbelievable!! I went to get a one hour massage 20 minutes later The manager comes in asked to Tip to continue massage so I said I’m just gonna leave and she started yelling and recording me in my car leaving unbelievable now I understand the reviews
February 2024
The massage was great, but I ever only get massages when my back and shoulders are in pain. I needed a strong massage and I was specific about it and that was not what I got. If you want a good but standard massage, yes. If you are dealing with major knotts and muscles that are making it hard to sit stand or walk, no.
If you are looking for a legitimate massage this is not it!!!! They are more focus on tips and applying hand finishes as opposed to giving a decent legitimate professional massage. You get what you pay for when trying to cut corners on the actual treatment of your body. These types of massage facilities should just be called brothels. Even one is giving too much credit for such an institute that thrives on other types of fulfillmentsvery very very disappointing
Wow! Unbelievable!! I went to get a one hour massage 20 minutes later The manager comes in asked to Tip to continue massage so I said I’m just gonna leave and she started yelling and recording me in my car leaving unbelievable now I understand the reviews
The massage was great, but I ever only get massages when my back and shoulders are in pain. I needed a strong massage and I was specific about it and that was not what I got. If you want a good but standard massage, yes. If you are dealing with major knotts and muscles that are making it hard to sit stand or walk, no.