Walking into Beauty Lounge 23 is like entering a five ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️spa experience and that’s only because the real magic happens in Sofia’s chair! ??♀️ She truly has a gift for hairstyling. She’s meticulous and gentle throughout the entire process plussss I never felt rushed. The end result? Hair that looks and feels absolutely phenomenal ? If you are looking for a salon experience that goes above and beyond, Sofia is the one you’ve been looking for ??
June 2024
Walking into Beauty Lounge 23 is like entering a five spa experience and that's only because the real magic happens in Sofia's chair! She truly has a gift for hairstyling. She's meticulous and gentle throughout the entire process plussss I never feel rushed. The end result, y'all?? Hair that looks and feels absolutely phenomenal Soooo if you are looking for a salon experience that goes above and beyond, Sofia is the one you've been looking for
May 2024
I was in desperate need of a haircut, stumbled across Sofia online. She did an exceptional job on my hair, made me feel so at ease! I will definitely be going back to her from now on!
Walking into Beauty Lounge 23 is like entering a five ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️spa experience and that’s only because the real magic happens in Sofia’s chair! ??♀️ She truly has a gift for hairstyling. She’s meticulous and gentle throughout the entire process plussss I never felt rushed. The end result? Hair that looks and feels absolutely phenomenal ? If you are looking for a salon experience that goes above and beyond, Sofia is the one you’ve been looking for ??
Walking into Beauty Lounge 23 is like entering a five spa experience and that's only because the real magic happens in Sofia's chair! She truly has a gift for hairstyling. She's meticulous and gentle throughout the entire process plussss I never feel rushed. The end result, y'all?? Hair that looks and feels absolutely phenomenal Soooo if you are looking for a salon experience that goes above and beyond, Sofia is the one you've been looking for
I was in desperate need of a haircut, stumbled across Sofia online. She did an exceptional job on my hair, made me feel so at ease! I will definitely be going back to her from now on!