Taxes....this word is a scary one to me. But @ Desi Tax, its a pleasant experience@ Desi, consultation is easy, price is simple, people are honest, submission is online. Most importantly, You don't need to visit their office. All the documentation and communication is online. Which is a great relief.If you want to experience real kindness in tax preparation, then this the place I recommend.
July 2019
I have multiple tax service needs, everything from past due amounts from past few years back to straight forward tax filing for last year. Desi Tax Service is a savior for me. Mr Rao is very organized, on time and punctual with very detailed
Taxes....this word is a scary one to me. But @ Desi Tax, its a pleasant experience@ Desi, consultation is easy, price is simple, people are honest, submission is online. Most importantly, You don't need to visit their office. All the documentation and communication is online. Which is a great relief.If you want to experience real kindness in tax preparation, then this the place I recommend.
I have multiple tax service needs, everything from past due amounts from past few years back to straight forward tax filing for last year. Desi Tax Service is a savior for me. Mr Rao is very organized, on time and punctual with very detailed