13079 Artesia Blvd B130, Cerritos California 90703
To whoever's searching this, give him a visit. Let him do his work and customize your care. He knows what he's doing, 4 generations deep. Dr. Frank Om! Thank you for giving me the best care in Acupuncture I've had. Let me tell you more about it.
I've got an unusual case of tension throughout the majority of my body - as a result of a past surgery performed on me that wasn't exactly ideal, and my whole body has moved and contorted to compensate for this mess of a compromise my physical condition has become...That means all of my fascia and muscle tissue have reluctantly decided to heal in the wrong positions because avoiding the pain is my body's intelligent priority to tell me something's not right here...And so we visit Dr. Om.
I've visited many Acupuncturists in the past, and only one has done something for me similar to what Dr. Om does. He would mark my body with a washable marker - because I requested it and I bought the marker for my treatment myself. He would then insert the needles where they were needed from there, but he would often miss, and Dr. Om doesn't miss. It's not even a question! At the first visit, he brought the marker out and got to work!! Dr. Om rubs my muscles and asks me where I feel pain, which is everyyyyyywheeeeere, and he waits for my response to tell him exactly where to put the needle, marks it, then inserts the needles all at once - after my body is temporarily tattooed with dozens of colorful dots and him and I feel satisfied with the regions he has covered. And then, I get the pokey pokey and the relaxing napper.
Even if he didn't have 4 generations of technique and 25 years of experience since 1999, the level of care and consideration for my case is above what you'd get elsewhere, because it's customized. It's what I need. My body's tense and in pain and doesn't get to relax because the tissue is trying to hold my physical composure together so it doesn't fall apart. It's literally bracing itself in apprehension of physical damage/pain, and this treatment allows for my body to open up, to breathe, and to let that stress go away.
Naturally, after not having had treatment for a while, my body's sore. He hit the spots that needed to be hit. But I can breathe like it's far more natural to me to be in my body, my body's relaxed and I'm not worried about the consistent cautious pain I carry myself with throughout my day to day, and I have more energy to devote to something than is ever usual because it's normally preoccupied in healing something that normally doesn't get relaxation. It's tense because there's always an event. This turns all of that off. And I get a good good rest once my excess in energy taps out, and I feel the best!
The next several days feel flexible, where prior to this, it's like my body was reacting, but now I'm responding to life. What a release! From strain, from pain, and from my physical blame. I've been seeing Dr. Om since 2021, and in my record, it hasn't gotten better than this with an Acupuncturist. It's worth considering, or ending consideration and putting into practical application - with him. Be sure to let him know your story, where you're at, and where you need to go with your treatment. He'll take care of the rest. Thank you Dr. Om! May this review bless you with more loving caring clients. Another tip for anyone reviewing...Please, double post your review on Google Maps and Yelp. I'm sure one gives more exposure than another in one case over the other, and this man deserves to handle all of those cases if his schedule to take care of you will allow it!
P.S. I wish I've got a photo of the inside of the building, but I've just got the outside. The inside is beautiful! Pristine, clean, organized, and so is his system for taking care of your treatment. He may not be the