With all the summer power outages coupled with working from home, a generator became a necessity. After calling around, I decided to buy a Generac 24kw. It took a few weeks to get it installed as I bought it just before all the storms came through. The guys from Norris were professional and did a great job installing the unit and running all the electric. Couldn't be happier and highly recommend them.
January 2023
We needed an electrician in a hurry and called Norris. Andy on the phone was very helpful and Tyler promptly arrived to assist us! Was very pleased with service and courtesy. Highly recommend them!
May 2022
Norris Electric has come out and helped my friend in Applegate with her generator and they are very prompt on returning calls and service. Sean is very nice, helpful, and knowledgeable.
With all the summer power outages coupled with working from home, a generator became a necessity. After calling around, I decided to buy a Generac 24kw. It took a few weeks to get it installed as I bought it just before all the storms came through. The guys from Norris were professional and did a great job installing the unit and running all the electric. Couldn't be happier and highly recommend them.
We needed an electrician in a hurry and called Norris. Andy on the phone was very helpful and Tyler promptly arrived to assist us! Was very pleased with service and courtesy. Highly recommend them!
Norris Electric has come out and helped my friend in Applegate with her generator and they are very prompt on returning calls and service. Sean is very nice, helpful, and knowledgeable.