I have not received any work by this company , but i would not recommend to anyone due to the lack of respect they have for others. A white male driving erratically decided to road rage and threatened me. This person also tried to provoke a fight in the middle of an intersection near hwy 4 in Pittsburg. I feel sorry for everyone that has conducted business with this company. If you come across this post, please don't spend your money or time on this company.
I have not received any work by this company , but i would not recommend to anyone due to the lack of respect they have for others. A white male driving erratically decided to road rage and threatened me. This person also tried to provoke a fight in the middle of an intersection near hwy 4 in Pittsburg. I feel sorry for everyone that has conducted business with this company. If you come across this post, please don't spend your money or time on this company.