I bring in white dress shirts. They wash, starch, and iron. The shirts are ready before their 'promised by'. Consistent performance over two years. And NEVER a broken (and unrepaired) button. That, alone, is a reason to come here. Other than the white shirts I have little need for dry cleaners so I would only assume that they take care of everything with equal attention (but I don't have that experience to comment.)
October 2017
I've been using Galaxy cleaners on a weekly basis for about ten years. Excellent dry cleaners! Always greeted by name with a friendly smile. Clothes always ready when promised. Fair prices and great service.
I bring in white dress shirts. They wash, starch, and iron. The shirts are ready before their 'promised by'. Consistent performance over two years. And NEVER a broken (and unrepaired) button. That, alone, is a reason to come here. Other than the white shirts I have little need for dry cleaners so I would only assume that they take care of everything with equal attention (but I don't have that experience to comment.)
I've been using Galaxy cleaners on a weekly basis for about ten years. Excellent dry cleaners! Always greeted by name with a friendly smile. Clothes always ready when promised. Fair prices and great service.