Always great to deal with, knows me not just by my account number. Has wonderful repour with pretty much ALL of their customers, even goes the extra when they have unfortunate events such as the flood over the coxohala highway. She's is always warm smiling and more than fenerous to her lower income customers while she serves before her higher financial sector ones! Love to do business here whenever I can. Even just if passing by I always pop in to say hi with a welcomed smile!
Always great to deal with, knows me not just by my account number. Has wonderful repour with pretty much ALL of their customers, even goes the extra when they have unfortunate events such as the flood over the coxohala highway. She's is always warm smiling and more than fenerous to her lower income customers while she serves before her higher financial sector ones! Love to do business here whenever I can. Even just if passing by I always pop in to say hi with a welcomed smile!