One of the few places I've found to buy the stuff I need for DIY fix its around my home, that doesn't treat me like I don't know what I'm talking about. As much as I hate to say it, being a woman trying to buy parts to fix appliances and such around my home, is pretty hard. As most places, where men are generally the ones working, treat me like I'm stupid when I ask for something. This place has never done that. I tell them what I need, they get it. They don't ask me if I'm sure that's what I need, if I know how to install it, or that they can't sell it to me, bring my husband or someone in, to insure I get the right part.... read full review
One of the few places I've found to buy the stuff I need for DIY fix its around my home, that doesn't treat me like I don't know what I'm talking about. As much as I hate to say it, being a woman trying to buy parts to fix appliances and such around my home, is pretty hard. As most places, where men are generally the ones working, treat me like I'm stupid when I ask for something. This place has never done that. I tell them what I need, they get it. They don't ask me if I'm sure that's what I need, if I know how to install it, or that they can't sell it to me, bring my husband or someone in, to insure I get the right part.... read full review