Horrible service. Interest is absurd for someone trying to build credit or does not have any. If you want to establish credit, go to a bank or your local credit union. There are companies like this that should be illegal. Yet, somehow they make it past the red tape and out to consumers with the intent to gain by any means necessary.Don't be fooled by the family’s or their friends’ reviews.Don't be afraid of banks/credit unions. They are nowhere near this horrible. Chances are, they can help you out more than you think. What's the difference you ask? Well, for one your interest rate is not as high as opposed to a small-town family business offering solutions... read full review
October 2019
I have been dealing with Citizens Finance formerly known as Family Credit for 8 plus years they are the best when it comes to helping there customers get what they need. I wouldn't go anywhere else they get 6 stars from me!!!
Horrible service. Interest is absurd for someone trying to build credit or does not have any. If you want to establish credit, go to a bank or your local credit union. There are companies like this that should be illegal. Yet, somehow they make it past the red tape and out to consumers with the intent to gain by any means necessary.Don't be fooled by the family’s or their friends’ reviews.Don't be afraid of banks/credit unions. They are nowhere near this horrible. Chances are, they can help you out more than you think. What's the difference you ask? Well, for one your interest rate is not as high as opposed to a small-town family business offering solutions... read full review
I have been dealing with Citizens Finance formerly known as Family Credit for 8 plus years they are the best when it comes to helping there customers get what they need. I wouldn't go anywhere else they get 6 stars from me!!!
Their attitudes are bad and they are liars