As usual Robert and his crew knocked it out of the park ! Immediate response, showed up when they said they would and slaughtered the competition On price and knowledge. You never want your system to break down But when it does (and it will) you want shield
September 2023
I’ve been using your services to maintain my grinder pump the last three years and have been very pleased. My bill today went from $100 to $150. Everything has gone up except my income but a 50% increase I thought was rather high. I doubt if your employees got an increase anywhere close to that. I know it costs more to run a business but keep in mind there are some that are on a fixed income, you might offer a senior or military discount to help offset the cost.
August 2023
These guys do a great job! Quality product, experienced and knowledgeable technicians (Anthony). I was without a pump and needed replacement quick. I called them at 9am and it was installed and running by 3:45 that day! They also offer a maintenance service to keep your pump in good condition! I highly recommend these guys! They were highly recommended by my neighbor and I can see why! If we have to deal with grinder pumps, it’s good to have a company like this to help. Did I mention they were less than the other companies? An added bonus!! Thank you Anthony for an excellent job!!
As usual Robert and his crew knocked it out of the park ! Immediate response, showed up when they said they would and slaughtered the competition
On price and knowledge.
You never want your system to break down
But when it does (and it will) you want shield
I’ve been using your services to maintain my grinder pump the last three years and have been very pleased. My bill today went from $100 to $150. Everything has gone up except my income but a 50% increase I thought was rather high. I doubt if your employees got an increase anywhere close to that. I know it costs more to run a business but keep in mind there are some that are on a fixed income, you might offer a senior or military discount to help offset the cost.
These guys do a great job! Quality product, experienced and knowledgeable technicians (Anthony). I was without a pump and needed replacement quick. I called them at 9am and it was installed and running by 3:45 that day! They also offer a maintenance service to keep your pump in good condition! I highly recommend these guys! They were highly recommended by my neighbor and I can see why! If we have to deal with grinder pumps, it’s good to have a company like this to help. Did I mention they were less than the other companies? An added bonus!! Thank you Anthony for an excellent job!!