“⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ We discovered termites in our attic and called three companies. Ryan with Orkin was the only inspector to go inside of our attic and perform a thorough inspection. Ryan is very knowledgable & professional. We’ve signed on with Orkin to treat our attic and manage our termites going forward. The other two companies did not perform an inspection & we were told tenting was our only option.We cannot recommend Orkin and Ryan enough. Our termite troubles are over. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“
“JC is the best technician that we have and always love working with in the past 4 months.“
“I have been a customer of Keys Pest Control for many years. When our apt building was completed we contracted with Keys Pest Control. Their technician is very nice and knowledgeable. I recommend contacting them for all your pest control needs.“
“Kevin and his team are the absolute best! They are responsive, professional, and approachable. They do a terrific job and are always reasonable.“