Really small bank. I had a vehicle loan with this bank. Gave me the toughest time trying to send money to my account being in the military always moving around. They recommended setting up an account which they charge you daily to have. Luckily Navy Federal assisted me in setting up an account to wire money to that set account for free. Assistance was always condescending. Wouldn’t recommend this bank to anyone or for Loan services. Also my loan went up somehow aside from the interest rate. I’m still waiting on my payment history request.
September 2018
Really small bank. I had a vehicle loan with this bank. Gave me the toughest time trying to send money to my account being in the military always moving around. They recommended setting up an account which they charge you daily to have. Luckily Navy Federal assisted me in setting up an account to wire money to that set account for free. Assistance was always condescending. Wouldn't recommend this bank to anyone or for Loan services. Also my loan went up somehow aside from the interest rate. I'm still waiting on my payment history request.
Really small bank. I had a vehicle loan with this bank. Gave me the toughest time trying to send money to my account being in the military always moving around. They recommended setting up an account which they charge you daily to have. Luckily Navy Federal assisted me in setting up an account to wire money to that set account for free. Assistance was always condescending. Wouldn’t recommend this bank to anyone or for Loan services. Also my loan went up somehow aside from the interest rate. I’m still waiting on my payment history request.
Really small bank. I had a vehicle loan with this bank. Gave me the toughest time trying to send money to my account being in the military always moving around. They recommended setting up an account which they charge you daily to have. Luckily Navy Federal assisted me in setting up an account to wire money to that set account for free. Assistance was always condescending. Wouldn't recommend this bank to anyone or for Loan services. Also my loan went up somehow aside from the interest rate. I'm still waiting on my payment history request.